Nevada Analytical Services (NAS) is an analytical laboratory located in Reno, NV. If you have a need for water or soil testing, we can meet your analytical testing needs.
- Our standard turn-around is five-working days.
Sampling Containers & Preservatives
- We supply our clients with the necessary sample containers and preservatives needed for sampling.
- Our laboratory is certified by the State of Nevada under the Clean Water Act (CWA) and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
- Download Certifications…
Contact Us
- For more information, call us at 775-284-3970, or e-mail to:
- You can also click here to fill out our contact form.

Below is a list of common analysis that NAS performs for water and soil samples:
- TCLP-7 Metals (EPA Method 6010C)
- Mercury, TCLP or Total (EPA Method 7470A, 7471A, and Standard Methods 3112B)
- NDEP Profile I and II
- Metals (EPA Method 6010C and 200.7)
- Phosphorus (EPA Method 6010C and 200.7)
- Anions – Fluoride, Chloride, Nitrate, Sulfate (EPA Method 300.0)
- Total Dissolved Solids (TDS, Standard Methods 2540C)
- Oil and Grease (HEM, EPA Method 1664A)
- Ammonia (Standard Methods 4500-NH3,D)
- TKN (Standard Methods 4500-Norg,C)
- pH (Standard Methods 4500-H+ B)
- Specific Conductance (EC, Standard Methods 2510B)
- Flash Point (EPA Method 1010A)
- VOCs (Full list, BTXE, and MtBE, EPA Method 8260B)
- TPH-Gas (EPA Method 8260B)
- TPH-Diesel (EPA Method 8015C)
- TPH-Oil (EPA Method 8015C)
- Nitroaromatics and Nitramines (Explosives, EPA Method 8330A)